The anti-fairytale?

075 bride and groom

Upon return from a soul-shaking 7 months in Guatemala, I took up residence in Halifax when if I hadn’t have met

John Wall Barger

with his quirky sense of humour and his trusty dog, Ruka, I would have shriveled up and slithered into the harbour sludge.

Johnny, as he is known to all, is a Hali-personality; you might find him sipping tea at Bob and Lori’s on the infamous Gottigen street (if you go, have the avocado sandwich).

Among many other credits, he was included in The Best Canadian Poetry in English 2008 anthology, edited by the indomitable Stephanie Bolster. Palimpest is launching his first book, Pain Proof Men, in September:

I’m thrilled with this rather apocalyptic piece he submitted to Carrotfarm! Newly-weds and the newly engaged be warned.

The Bride

shatters stained glass hauling her ass out of the chapel

white sash floating & bridesmaids baying

she leaps onto the hood of your car screeching backwards.

The bride looks very hungry. She blasts a Porsch Spider toward you

where you stand on a zebra crossing. You

are not the groom but I do not care! she moans

loping through a packed train station, white dress gaping open

like she were leading a revolution. She limps past nuns

who cross themselves & speak the sacred names,

she smells a sweaty undershirt of yours, scanning the glass buildings

like a blood dog. You forget her, but somewhere

she is taking your measure with dolls & tacks & compasses.

Che avventura! On a faroff strada you sip a ghost’s portion of wine,

a woman beside you says, “Wouldn’t you agree

that when two souls meet who have spent their time searching for beauty

there is recognition?” “Sure,” you say, but now she’s on all fours

& her eyes are grey & she is drooling.

~ by carrotfarm on June 9, 2009.

2 Responses to “The anti-fairytale?”

  1. the fuck?

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